
our tax dollars at work

the following request popped up on the US Post Office website while the Priority Mail sizes and I were having our usual contretemps:

If you plan to ship Live Animals, please go to your local Post Office.

Um, OK.


  1. Hey, I recently went to our local post office to pick up a package and they had baby chicks! They had arrived by mail and the post man was keeping an eye on them until the owner arrived later that day. Said they get them all the time...especially various birds, snakes, lizards, etc. Oh, I have also had two cows in my front yard off on on spice Thursday. Can't quite figure out where they are coming from but even my dogs don't take notice anymore. Merry Christmas!

    1. Chickens and lizards and cows, oh my! Your PO sounds like a terrific place!

      Actually I am entranced with the idea of random visiting cows. Could they have wandered away from a manger scene?

  2. Yes, chicks. And bees,too. I have never received a cow though.

    1. I'd love to be able to keep a small Jersey cow, best cream in the world.

      Chickens, hmm, not so much.

  3. And ladybugs come in the mail,too! You are hearing from all your rural pals, Fred!

    1. Well, looking back, a nameless family member ordered a thousand crickets which were stealthily released into his high school building during Regents Week (exam week for you non-NewYorkers, the state not the city). But I believe UPS delivered them.

  4. That is incredible! I wonder if the drones will be doing that in future??

    1. It's kind of poetic justice to have the drones doing the schlepping for the bees, isn't it?


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