
you can never step twice into the same river

a girl I used to be

slipped into tiny spaces

dodged between cars

got places early

was never tired

a girl I used to be

wore jodhpurs in the street

and tight jeans when she wasn't working

at a traffic light a nun said to her

what a beautiful face you have

I will pray for you

and she replied

and I for you, Sister

she never paid for a drink

she never waited on line

she never packed

there were clean panties and a lipstick in her purse

she was ready for anything

gods and spirits watched over her

trees sheltered her

the Norse god of mischief

the Greek god of music

the Celtic god of wild things

the One True God smiled at their silliness and held her in His hand

sometimes I think I've seen her

reflected in a mirror, a store window

and I look around

but of course

that girl never stopped to look

that girl never looked back


  1. you can never step twice in the same river
    But you can reread this verse and love it even more the second time around

  2. you can never step twice in the same river
    But you can reread this verse and love it even more the second time around

  3. you can never step twice in the same river
    But you can reread this verse and love it even more the second time around


As Alice Roosevelt Longworth said, if you've got anything bad to say, sit next to me! No, really, please remember to be kind, and don't say anything fred's mother would not approve of (Diner's mom didn't approve of anything. Including fred.)
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