
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; 
nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; 
nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

I will not live in fear.
I will greet hate with love.
I will find cheer in despondence.
I will find joy in the sunrise, peace and courage in my heart,
and I will seek always to cherish my country with honor.


  1. wellfedfred: while trying to find an email address for you, I stumbled on this verse, and I'm struck by the beauty in it. Reminds me of the days in London, WWII, during the Blitz. Not reminds me, but I can remember stories from friends of my parents who were there. Such strength. (I found two Paris tee-shirts at the clearance store on Saturday, bought them both because it's my hometown, and one is an extra-small, and has drawings on it, it's really quite cute. The other is Madewell, and has a picture of something, like the Tour. Let me know if you want the extra-small, would be more than happy to send it to you, gratis, of course. Any Francophile out there is indeed a friend of mine!)

  2. wellfedfred: while trying to find an email address for you, I stumbled on this verse, and I'm struck by the beauty in it. Reminds me of the days in London, WWII, during the Blitz. Not reminds me, but I can remember stories from friends of my parents who were there. Such strength. (I found two Paris tee-shirts at the clearance store on Saturday, bought them both because it's my hometown, and one is an extra-small, and has drawings on it, it's really quite cute. The other is Madewell, and has a picture of something, like the Tour. Let me know if you want the extra-small, would be more than happy to send it to you, gratis, of course. Any Francophile out there is indeed a friend of mine!)

    1. bully4kate, thank you for your kind words and your gracious offer! Hélas, an XS won't come close to fitting me but I do appreciate the thought.


As Alice Roosevelt Longworth said, if you've got anything bad to say, sit next to me! No, really, please remember to be kind, and don't say anything fred's mother would not approve of (Diner's mom didn't approve of anything. Including fred.)
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